experience more freedom in your life

Say goodbye to rigid, restrictive diets and discover a fulfilling, sustainable approach to food, health, and weight loss.

experience more freedom in your life

Say goodbye to rigid, restrictive diets and discover a fulfilling, sustainable approach to food, health, and weight loss.

Elaine Brisebois

hey there

I’m Elaine Brisebois, a Certified Nutritionist and Board-Certified Health and Wellness Coach. My mission is to help women like you achieve lasting health and weight loss without the burden of overly restrictive diets (which, let’s face it, often take the joy out of eating).

Throughout my career, I’ve helped hundreds of women optimize their health and wellness, achieve sustainable weight loss, and cultivate a more positive and peaceful relationship with food and their bodies.

Just imagine if you could:

Enjoy food that’s both satisfying and helps you reach your ideal weight—without feeling hungry all the time.

Move beyond rigid diet rules to create simple, sustainable habits that suit your body and lifestyle.

Stop waiting for the "perfect weight" to start living your life and pursue your dreams now.

Tune into your body’s wisdom to choose the best foods for you instead of relying on external “authorities,” meal plans, or diet books.

Nourish and fuel your body intentionally rather than using food to escape stress or emotions.


Enjoy your meals without turning your plate into a complex math formula—no need to count calories (unless that's your thing)!

Free up mental energy spent worrying about food—imagine what else you could accomplish in your day and life!

Know exactly how to maintain your ideal weight for life, without resorting to extreme measures.

Elaine Brisebois, Nutritionist_10_Home

... wouldn't that feel amazing?

This is what I guide you through in my 1:1 virtual health and nutrition coaching program.

I work with women who are tired of struggling with food and their bodies. They’re seeking a more sustainable approach to health and weight loss—one that brings peace with food while helping them achieve and maintain their ideal weight.

Sound like you?

What clients are saying

I've lost 28 lbs and dropped 1-2 clothing sizes…It's been fun to buy new clothing and, honestly, I'm surprised and delighted with how nice I look every time I look in the mirror...I don't see my body as the enemy anymore. I don't see myself as a disappointment because I can't stick to an impossible diet. Working with you has helped take the emotionality out of food.

-Stephanie D.

I lost 26 pounds! After years of feeling bad about my weight, I'm much more confident in my skin. I have the confidence of a person who wants to make changes and is actually following through with making changes...I really appreciated how personalized the program was...I feel better than I have in years!

-Carolyn H.

 I achieved a weight I hadn’t seen for 15 years, and I feel confident I have the tools to continue on my journey to better health…I lost 24 pounds during the program and another 4.5 in the six weeks since — and that included the Christmas holidays, a time when prior to working with Elaine my weight was likely to increase by that amount — or more!

-Mary H.

As a result of working with you, I achieved my weight loss goal...I feel more confident around food and more "in control" of my eating. I have fewer cravings (specifically for chocolate and desserts – a previous challenge). I feel healthier physically and mentally: Food is back in its appropriate place.

-Myra T.

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