Strategic Consumption

If you ever feel overwhelmed by all the different diets, protocols, potential food triggers, or just whether or not you should be eliminating “such and such” item from your diet altogether – this post is for you! When it comes to food sensitivities (or triggers) it’s rarely ever so black and white. Which is actually…

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What to Eat During an IBS Flare-Up?

Have you ever felt held captive in your own home due to fear of stepping too far away from the washroom? Not fun. I think most of us have been there at some point or another, whether it be from eating some food that didn’t agree with us, having a bout of food poisoning, or some…

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The Pre-Dinner Apéritif (aka, “Digestive Primer”)

I’ve always enjoyed the concept of the pre-dinner apéritif. By definition, (and there are a few) an apéritif is typically a small alcoholic drink taken before a meal as a means to stimulate digestion and prepare the body for the meal to follow. Often the drink has bitter qualities that help to awaken the digestive…

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How to Experience More Food Freedom During the Holidays (and anytime of the year!)

This time of year can bring up a lot of different emotions for people, particularly as it relates to food and all of the holiday gatherings centred on it. So in the spirit of keeping things a bit lighter today, I’m going to leave you with a few sentiments that I would share with you…

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The Low FODMAP Diet 101 (what you should know)

If you’ve been hanging around with me for a little while now, either through my blog, email letters, or over on social media, you may have noticed I’ve been dropping the F-word quite a bit. No, not that F-word. (I’m much classier than that ;)) I’m talking about FODMAPs. Don’t worry…if you’re not sure what…

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The 3 Steps to an Effective Elimination Diet (and do you even need to do one?)

These days it seems almost the norm to be eating a “free-from” something diet, whether it be dairy, gluten, sugar, or something else. It seems everywhere you turn someone is promoting their detox program or sugar-free challenge, and while these types of programs definitely have a place, this isn’t quite what I’m talking about here…

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Elaine Brisebois, Nutritionist_Blog_Sidebar-01

Hi! I’m Elaine, a Certified Nutritionist and Master Certified Health Coach. I support women in achieving their health and body goals while prioritizing a peaceful and balanced relationship with food.

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The Elegant Eating Handbook: Timeless Strategies for Lasting Weight Loss and a Peaceful Relationship with Food.

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