Enjoying the Journey

When we think about reaching a weight-loss or health goal, there’s often this idea that once the goal is achieved, we will have “arrived.” Kind of like checking something off a list. Done. Don’t need to think about that anymore. But there is no finish line. You don’t arrive at your happy weight or health goal…

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4 Steps to Permanent Weight Loss

Here are the 4 steps that make permanent weight loss success inevitable. (Note: you can plug any health goal you have into this equation – it’s not just applicable for weight loss.) 1. Get clear on your vision, purpose, and commitment. You must have a clear vision of your end result. It’s easy to say it would…

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Understanding Urges (And How to Handle Them)

An urge is an intense desire. It often feels very “urgent.” Here are a few examples to illustrate… Let’s say you’re working from home. You’re sitting in front of your computer. Maybe you’re working on something you don’t really feel like doing, and the thought occurs to you that you would really love some of…

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Your Relationship with YOU

Think about somebody who you love dearly. It might be your partner, one of your children, a sibling, or a close friend. How do you show up in that relationship? I bet that you… Speak kindly to them. Are supportive. Keep your commitments to them. Honor your word. Treat them well. Would be considered trustworthy…

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Your Ideal Day of Eating

Imagine taking all of the “food rules” off the table. There are no “good” or “bad” foods – just foods that you enjoy eating and nourish you on some level. What would you choose to eat if you could eat whatever you wanted and still make progress towards your weight loss goal at the same…

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Wanting vs. Committing (+ a compelling enough reason)

Women have different reasons for coming to work with me: …they want to lose weight …they want to get a handle on their overeating …they want to end the battle with food and their body …they want to upgrade their overall health (digestion, hormones, energy, etc.). But it’s interesting how we can want something *so*…

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Elaine Brisebois, Nutritionist_Blog_Sidebar-01

Hi! I’m Elaine, a Certified Nutritionist and Master Certified Health Coach. I support women in achieving their health and body goals while prioritizing a peaceful and balanced relationship with food.

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The Elegant Eating Handbook: Timeless Strategies for Lasting Weight Loss and a Peaceful Relationship with Food.

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