Keeping Healthy Through the Holidays (No Weight Gain Required)

December is here, and with it comes the holiday season! While this year may look slightly (or a lot) different for many of us, it’s certainly a time when our regular healthy habits can fall by the wayside if we’re not careful. The holidays, however, don’t have to be synonymous with “putting on pounds” and…

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Making Decisions Ahead of Time

I spoke to a client yesterday, and she told me that she couldn’t stop dipping into the Halloween candy that her husband brought home “for the kids.” Maybe you can relate? :) (I actually smiled when she told me this because somehow, our household also ended up with a big box of Halloween candy—I thank…

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Why You Should Celebrate the Small Wins

I love celebrating both the big and small stuff. I believe with all my heart that being in the energy of celebration propels us closer to achieving our goals. Whether it’s the daily, the weekly, the monthly, or the significant milestones – there’s nothing too small to celebrate, in my opinion. This is why I…

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Eating healthy but can’t lose weight? (this might be why)

This is a common complaint. A prospective client will tell me that she eats *really* healthy, yet the scale doesn’t budge. Sure, maybe she’s not gaining weight, but she’s not losing it either. What gives? When I start asking her questions about her diet and eating, there’s often a common theme that I hear among…

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(Part Two) Pleasure: How to Have More

Last week, I talked about the difference between natural and “artificial” pleasure and how to determine the net effect of your pleasure choices. I also posed the ultimate question: From where do you want to derive your pleasure? (Be sure to read part one first before reading this part!) I also mentioned that the more…

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(Part One) Pleasure: Natural vs Artificial

Pleasure serves a beautiful purpose in our life. We’ve evolved as humans to seek out pleasurable experiences that were necessary for our survival. For example, when we eat food that provides nourishment and energy for our body, dopamine, and other feel-good neurotransmitters, are released into the reward system of the brain. The pleasure we received…

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Elaine Brisebois, Nutritionist_Blog_Sidebar-01

Hi! I’m Elaine, a Certified Nutritionist and Master Certified Health Coach. I support women in achieving their health and body goals while prioritizing a peaceful and balanced relationship with food.

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The Elegant Eating Handbook: Timeless Strategies for Lasting Weight Loss and a Peaceful Relationship with Food.

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