How Our Thoughts Create Our Results

Often, when we set out to lose weight or eat healthier, we end up focusing solely on external factors without considering the internal. We jump right into the action – the “doing.” Eat this, not that.Drink more water.Take your supplements. Now don’t get me wrong. Action is, of course, necessary, but alone it can only…

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Questioning your Food Rules

Over the years, we collect food rules. Foods we consider good or bad. Foods we label healthy or unhealthy. Foods that are acceptable for losing weight, others we consider “cheat foods.” We have rules not just for what we eat, but also how we eat, and when. The longer you’ve been alive on this planet,…

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Pandemic Eating (Special Edition)

Yesterday one of my clients told me, “I’m going to eat my way through this pandemic!” Of course, she was being dramatic, and we both got a laugh out of it. But the reality is, there was still some seriousness to what she was saying. Others have been telling me that they “can’t wait” until…

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Upgrade Your Health by Raising Your Standards (Starting Now!)

The life that you’re now living is a reflection of the standards that you currently hold for yourself. Is there an area in your life where you need to raise the bar? Are you tolerating feeling subpar? As you go through the process of making little daily shifts, it’s hard to see the change while…

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Is Emotional Eating at the Root of your Weight Struggle?

We eat for so many reasons beyond physical hunger: We eat to celebrate, to entertain, to comfort ourselves, to reward ourselves – even if that reward is just for getting through our busy day! We learn to turn to food as a way to escape our feelings – whether it’s loneliness, boredom, stress, or overwhelm.…

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Natural Weight

What does it mean to be at your natural weight? The exact number, or more realistically, the range, is subjective, of course, and will likely change throughout the different phases of your life. I define “natural weight” as the weight where you feel your healthiest physically, mentally, and emotionally. It’s the weight where you’re feeling…

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Elaine Brisebois, Nutritionist_Blog_Sidebar-01

Hi! I’m Elaine, a Certified Nutritionist and Master Certified Health Coach. I support women in achieving their health and body goals while prioritizing a peaceful and balanced relationship with food.

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The Elegant Eating Handbook: Timeless Strategies for Lasting Weight Loss and a Peaceful Relationship with Food.

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