I love celebrating both the big and small stuff.
I believe with all my heart that being in the energy of celebration propels us closer to achieving our goals.
Whether it’s the daily, the weekly, the monthly, or the significant milestones – there’s nothing too small to celebrate, in my opinion.
This is why I encourage my clients to take the time to celebrate their wins at the end of the week because what better way to end it than on a high note?
Plus, I love celebrating with them too!
I think sometimes we focus too much on the BIG GOAL and not enough on the daily actions and small steps to get us there.
When setting a weekly (or daily) goal, I always suggest that my clients focus on the actions they’ll complete rather than the outcome or end result.
I talked about this earlier in this post, about “rewarding behaviours, and not results.”
This is because we can control our actions (behaviours), but we can’t necessarily control the result or outcome we get.
For example, a result might be losing 5 pounds when you step on the scale, but an action (or behaviour) would be sticking to your planned meals, or going to the gym 3 x per week, for example.
Here’s the remarkable thing, though: As you focus on consistently accomplishing those actions, you’re more likely to get to your desired outcome faster.
Here are some of the wins (and smaller goals) my clients have recently celebrated. (Please note, however, that these wins are meaningful to these clients and their specific goals. I’m not suggesting that these are what we should all be aiming to accomplish.)
- Getting through the week without overeating
- Not mindlessly snacking after dinner
- Overeating but NOT letting it turn into a binge or blowing the whole day (and not beating themselves up for it, either)
- Sticking to an eating protocol that they decided on
- Getting to bed every night before 10:30 pm
- Cooking meals at home (rather than grabbing takeout or ordering-in)
- Eating without distraction and at the dinner table (no screens)
- Keeping a food journal (and noting how certain foods made them feel)
Remember, getting to your big goal means hitting lots of little goals on your way there.
Don’t forget to slow down, acknowledge, and appreciate how far you’ve come!
As always, I love hearing from you. In the comments below, share with me some of the small wins you’re looking forward to celebrating!

Hi! I’m Elaine, a Certified Nutritionist and Master Certified Health Coach. I support women in achieving their health and body goals while prioritizing a peaceful and balanced relationship with food.

Get a free copy of my handbook!
The Elegant Eating Handbook: Timeless Strategies for Lasting Weight Loss and a Peaceful Relationship with Food.
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