Client Love

Since working with Elaine, I’ve lost 17 pounds...I feel like I finally cracked the code.

For years, I thought losing weight had to mean giving up all the foods I loved or relying on sheer willpower. Turns out, I was just following the wrong “rules.” Since working with Elaine, I’ve lost 17 pounds. I’m no longer white-knuckling my way through diets I can’t sustain…I make intentional choices, I enjoy my food, and I feel in control for the first time in a long time. I have so much more energy! I catch myself doing double-takes in the mirror because I actually like what I see. I never thought I’d get here without a strict diet plan or a set of impossible rules…I feel like I finally cracked the code.

If you’re on the fence—trust me, just do it. Elaine won’t just help you lose weight; she’ll help you rewrite the entire story you’ve been telling yourself about food.

-Kate H.


I’m not as ashamed or critical of my body now...I'm less stressed and anxious when I don't eat "the right foods" because I feel like I have a plan in place to recover.

I improved my eating habits (I like salad!), I limited my sugar intake, I got better at stopping eating when I’m not hungry (less snacking/eating scraps), I drink (alcohol) less often, my clothes fit better, and I have fewer cravings…I’m not as ashamed or critical of my body now. I'm better at enjoying healthy foods, and I look forward to eating them more than before. I'm less stressed and anxious when I don't eat "the right foods" because I feel like I have a plan in place to recover. Hopefully, all of these aspects of this new relationship (with food) will continue moving forward, but if they don't for whatever reason, I know how to find my way back to them… I loved having kind but firm suggestions for new ways to think about eating and exercise. I also loved the handouts that guided me through planning my meals and preparing for events.

-Maria J.


I feel like I'm in charge of my feelings and behaviors around food for the first time in my life....The physical changes are nice, too. I've lost 28 lbs and dropped 1-2 clothing sizes.

The biggest and most important change I've experienced is an increased self-awareness around my habits and a realization that change is within my power. I feel like I'm in charge of my feelings and behaviors around food for the first time in my life. My cravings have dropped dramatically.

The physical changes are nice, too. I've lost 28 lbs and dropped 1-2 clothing sizes…It's been fun to buy new clothing and, honestly, I'm surprised and delighted with how nice I look every time I look in the mirror. I feel like I look more like my true self if that makes sense…I have more energy and I'm enjoying working out.

I don't see my body as the enemy anymore. I don't see myself as a disappointment because I can't stick to an impossible diet. Working with you has helped take the emotionality out of food. Eating food l like doesn't make me bad. Saying no to food I don't want doesn't make me bad. I get to control things. Also, slipping up and eating too much doesn't make me bad and doesn't mean I need to throw in the towel. It's just food, and tomorrow is a new day.

My food journal has been a life changing tool. I keep it honest and review it weekly. It has let me work through my first real rough patch with kindness and a plan because I could identify what needed to be tweaked and think about which tools I could use to help support myself.

I really liked working with you one-on-one and being able to talk through what I was going through and how to navigate different situations in real time. I feel like you've helped me build a toolbox tailored to me that I can pull out to address any situation I might be facing.

You also gave me the confidence to go down this road. I remember at the beginning, I didn't trust myself but I could trust you. It is like you were my training wheels while I was learning to trust myself again. If someone had told me in July that I'd be going into December 30 pounds lighter without going on a diet or counting calories but by focusing on nutritious food and trusting myself, I would not have believed them.

-Stephanie D.

UPDATE from Stephanie (August 18th/2024)

I reached out to Elaine about six months after my initial 3-month program. While I had made some progress on my own, it wasn’t as consistent as I wanted. After a few months of losing and regaining the same five pounds, I realized I needed further support. Elaine really helped me return to the basics, and sure enough, the weight started coming off again. I’ve now lost 50 life-changing pounds—I still can’t quite believe it. I feel more secure and confident as I continue my journey. Elaine has been my biggest supporter, and it’s a relief to know that I can always call her again if I need additional help. It’s a relief to know that I don’t have to do this by myself.


I have lost 10 pounds... I feel like I am taking good care of myself and losing weight in a loving way instead of a punitive one.

The biggest change I have experienced is being able to make my food choices from a rational perspective rather than an emotional one. I feel more balanced in my thinking about food and less perfectionistic. My cravings have definitely reduced, though I still have some, but I use the tools you gave me to think through my choices and make a conscious decision. I have lost 10 pounds.

I am more consciously choosing what I do rather than defaulting to unhelpful behaviors. I feel like I am taking good care of myself and losing weight in a loving way instead of a punitive one. I feel more authentic as I let go of the layer of fat I was hiding under and feel my difficult feelings rather than numbing them with food.

Knowing that I would tell you everything I ate kept me accountable. At the same time, I knew that even if my eating hadn't been what I'd wanted it to be for the week, you would encourage and help me problem-solve. Having a protocol as a guideline and writing down everything I ate kept me from going unconscious.

I really appreciated knowing that even if I had eaten "off plan," you would help me find something positive in it and use it as information to improve my future results.

-Lynn P.


Now I know without a doubt how to make food work for me to support my physical, biological and psychological needs and goals.

Since working with you, I have transformed my relationship with food. I know better how to choose and plan my food and have a good sense of what works for me and what doesn't. My body composition is changing, my cravings are greatly reduced, and I no longer feel the need to give in to emotional eating. I read the signals of my body now rather than rely on urges.

My relationship with my body has changed as well. I no longer feel at war with it. I've shifted my obsessive-like need to reach for numbers on a scale and have become more accepting of myself. Going forward, I have an arsenal of food ideas that revolve around whole-food eating. I know how to eat to feel my best and how eating shapes how I feel physically and mentally.

What I liked the most about working together and the program was the calm organized way you went about teaching and guiding me on my food journey at my pace and encouraging me to relax around food. Now I know without a doubt how to make food work for me to support my physical, biological and psychological needs and goals.

-Kait Philbin, Ph.D., BCC


I achieved a weight I hadn’t seen for 15 years, and I feel confident I have the tools to continue on my journey to better health.

I had to overcome a lot of trepidation to sign up for this program because I had tried and ultimately failed with many methods of weight loss over the years — and I had concerns that I would be wasting money — but I am so glad I didn’t let those worries stop me. I achieved a weight I hadn’t seen for 15 years, and I feel confident I have the tools to continue on my journey to better health…I lost 24 pounds during the program and another 4.5 in the six weeks since — and that included the Christmas holidays, a time when prior to working with Elaine my weight was likely to increase by that amount — or more! I also notice my clothes fit better and/or are too big and I move more easily and with fewer aches and pains. Perhaps most importantly, I finally have confidence that I can successfully continue my journey to better health through lasting weight loss and exercise. I also believe I am much less likely to fall back into old habits and give up…I feel like I have more power now — where before, I felt powerless when it came to my eating and food.

I liked everything about the program — the methods/tools used to set up a protocol and then to plan and track my meals really clicked with me. I continue to do that on most days since ending our work together, and look forward to having those few minutes of reflection at the end of the day on what went well/what could be better…But what I liked best was the one-on-one sessions — I thought the information I gained in those was so helpful.

I liked the personal coaching; I think it suits me...Elaine always seemed totally present at our sessions, which included being prepared, thoughtful, and very skilled at both listening and offering incisive insights. She gave me new perspectives on my challenges around food and effective approaches to eating that not only helped me lose weight but also boosted my confidence that I can succeed in reaching my goals this time. I felt “seen” and supported by Elaine, and as a result, her program really moved me forward in what has been a years-long quest to find a way to unwind my unhealthy and unhelpful preoccupations and habits around eating.

-Mary H.


I gained so much more than attaining a number on a scale working with Elaine. One of the best parts is my clothes fit better, and my relationship with food and my body has changed.

At almost 77, I have been on every diet there is, starting in my early teens when my mother gave me diet pills. This was the best approach for me because it's not a diet but a lifestyle change…Overall I have increased confidence around food and eating. There's much less habitual eating/snacking, and I have fewer cravings. I didn't have a ton of weight to lose, but I did lose over half of my expressed goal. However, I gained so much more than attaining a number on a scale working with Elaine. One of the best parts is my clothes fit better, and my relationship with food and my body has changed.

My biggest challenge was getting rid of my constant and habitual snacking and those "little bites" and tastes all day long, fooling myself into thinking that they won't matter - they do!

Elaine has a very positive approach to the journey of weight loss. If something didn't go exactly how I wanted it to, she would always have a positive and alternative way to look at it. It wasn't just about what I was or wasn't eating. She really touches on the psychology of eating and maintaining a healthy weight.… I wanted long-term results, something I could comfortably maintain and live with forever. I wanted to free up my mind and not always be thinking about "losing weight." And I always felt Elaine addressed my issues with specifics to work on just for me. Her program is very individualized.

Now that the program has ended, all is going well! I got through Christmas and my New Year's Weekend extravaganza and did NOT gain any weight :-)  I didn't have to start the New Year, making my resolution yet again to lose weight. Very freeing! I’ve also lost another pound in the last couple of weeks. It feels good, and I will continue on my journey to reach my goal – just a few more pounds! Thank you so much for all your help!   

-Judy P.


I've changed my eating habits pretty dramatically, thanks to your coaching.

My original goal was to lose 15 pounds, and I lost 14 pounds over the course of the program, and then the additional one pound shortly after our final session – and I feel great about my progress!... I've changed my eating habits pretty dramatically, thanks to your coaching. I have learned to think ahead more and give myself choices that are nutritious but tasty. I mostly avoid added sugars/flour unless I consciously make an exception. And I do make exceptions! But to a lesser extent than I did – that's a win!.. I think about micronutrients and how they balance my mood, immune system and intestinal health…I chew slowly…I put my utensils down between bites (usually). And I am definitely drinking more water…

Thanks for coaching me through the last 90 days of 2022…I didn't recognize that some habits were holding me back from better overall health. Working with you helped me (gently) see that some of my dietary preferences were working against me and find alternatives that work for me moving forward…

I have really enjoyed working with you! The process you have developed, with the tools and other support, is very sound and based in science. I was resistant to keeping a food journal, but it was extremely helpful!

-Cynthia R.


Food is back in its appropriate place.

As a result of working with you, I achieved my weight loss goal and experienced noticeable changes in my body composition. I feel more confident around food and more "in control" of my eating. I have fewer cravings (specifically for chocolate and desserts – a previous challenge). I feel healthier physically and mentally: Food is back in its appropriate place.

Your verbal encouragement had a pivotal impact on my inner conversation and follow-through. Thank you very much!

-Myra T.


Losing 25 pounds was like a miracle to me! I had tried so many different ways to lose the weight, and nothing worked until I started working with you.

Since working with you, the changes and benefits I have noticed have been numerous. First of all, I am more mindful of what I am eating or planning to eat. I have healthy foods in my refrigerator now and keep ingredients on hand for meals and snacks I plan on eating. I drink more water. I feel better and am happier with how I look, and I sleep better. I wear a size smaller now, and in some cases, 2 sizes smaller! Losing 25 pounds was like a miracle to me! I had tried so many different ways to lose the weight, and nothing worked until I started working with you. I had heard and read how it's impossible to lose any weight once you're over sixty years old; well, following your teachings proved that theory wrong!

My relationship with myself has changed as a result of working with you. I want to eat healthy foods now to take care of myself. I want to keep the pounds off that I have already lost and continue to lose more.

I have set a goal and a date to do something I have always wanted to do, hike up to a popular mountain nearby. I'm planning the hike for this July!

What I liked most about the program was knowing that I would see and speak with you each week on Zoom. There was that accountability and learning new ways of thinking about food and thinking about myself. I can now walk around in a grocery store and pass by the doughnut case and think to myself, "I don't eat that type of food." It gives me a feeling of power to have that mindset. You taught me to "have trust" in myself, which I am still working on, but I trust myself more each time I decide to say, "No thank you." to foods that are not good for me.

It is a delight for me to have worked with you! You were positive and cheerful and never got down on me when I slipped up, and you were very excited and happy for me as I made progress. You taught me not to get down on myself as well...I feel like I have a friend in Canada who is cheering me on and is always there for support. I've enjoyed my time with you and learning all the things you've taught me. Thank you so much, Elaine!

-Shaun M.


My clothes all fit again, and I've gained control over mindless eating and drinking.

I wanted to lose 10 pounds, and I lost 10 pounds! I had wanted to lose more at first but when I got to a 10lb. loss, I was happy there. My clothes all fit again, and I've gained control over mindless eating and drinking. I've learned to keep track of what I eat and plan ahead for events that would usually derail my eating. I learned so much about how to look at eating, the "whys" of my eating issues, and ways I could change my thinking. Learning to think differently is truly the best part of the program. I did that each time I met with Elaine. She was always supportive and offered new "hope" each time we met. I never left a meeting with her feeling defeated. I was always motivated again to correct a few things and keep going...I am surprised often lately as I find myself very content with the weight I'm currently at and the way I look in my clothes. I've spent my life thinking I must always lose some more weight. I've never just enjoyed where I was, and I'm (finally) doing that now.

-Dottie O.


My relationship with food has improved significantly, along with my mindset towards eating.

Since working with Elaine my confidence in myself and the ability to choose healthy and whole foods for my body has increased immensely...My relationship with food has improved significantly, along with my mindset towards eating. I would say that prior to working with Elaine, I had an "all or nothing" type of mindset when it came to food. If all of my meals weren't "healthy" I would give up and just consider that entire day a wash. Now, I understand that you can have a meal, snack, or even a day of eating "guilty pleasures/cheat meals" and still achieve your weekly goals. Seeing this in action has really shifted my perspective on "healthy eating" to understanding/accepting that I do need to be perfect (100%) of the time to reach my goals. This has allowed more grace and patience with myself as I continue this healthy eating journey...As humans, we tend to take the easiest path possible, and working with Elaine motivated me not to fall into that trend. I wasn't perfect, and she never judged/shamed me when I wasn't. She just reflected on my choices and provided better options for the future, and I really appreciated that from her. Her non-judgmental and supportive demeanor allowed me to be 100% vulnerable and honest with her.

-Kimberly H.


After years of feeling bad about my weight, I'm much more confident in my skin.

I lost 26 pounds! After years of feeling bad about my weight, I'm much more confident in my skin. I have the confidence of a person who wants to make changes and is actually following through with making changes...I really appreciated how personalized the program was. The recipes you provided were based on my limited cooking ability and my picky diet. I have so much more confidence now in my ability to cook healthy foods, and even have a few back-pocket dinners that I can cook without looking at the recipe...I feel better than I have in years!

-Carolyn H.


...I'm now down a total of 35 pounds! My only regret was not signing up with you sooner...

I was diagnosed with PCOS and insulin resistance in 2019. After many failed attempts to control my weight on my own, a girlfriend suggested that I sign-up to receive Elaine's emails. I was an email subscriber for almost an entire year, devouring her content before finally taking the next step to work with her one-on-one. I'm so glad I did! Elaine's approach was nothing like I had ever tried before on my own. It turns out that what I thought was "healthy" was actually negatively impacting my insulin levels, which made it difficult I learned to lose weight. Elaine taught me how to support my blood sugar levels and lower insulin through my diet and lifestyle. She also helped me get a handle on my nighttime eating. I'm an emotional eater and always have been...Over the 3 months or so that I worked with her, I lost 17 pounds! And as I write this now, almost 3 months later, I'm now down a total of 35 pounds! And guess what? I went to my doctor's, and my insulin is back in the normal range...I haven't felt this healthy in a long time. I'm so grateful for your help. My only regret was not signing up with you sooner when I felt that initial nudge.

-Paola M.


I finally feel like I have the tools that will support me on this journey for life.

Working with Elaine has been a truly unique experience. I felt supported and guided by her throughout the months that we worked together. Her genuine warmth and friendly nature made me feel comfortable opening up to her about things I had never spoken about before to anyone. After years of struggling with food addiction, overeating, and terrible body image I finally feel like I have the tools that will support me on this journey for life. Yes, I lost weight (almost 20 pounds!) but for me, that doesn’t even touch this newfound confidence I have in myself and knowing my food and weight struggles are a thing of the past.

-Cynthia B.


Her “non-diet” approach to food and weight loss was exactly what I needed.

The progress I’ve made with Elaine has completely changed my life. I was initially on the fence about making the investment in myself because in the past I’ve failed miserably on other programs and diets. Her “non-diet” approach to food and weight loss was exactly what I needed. I didn’t just need another meal plan or to be told what I “shouldn’t” be eating. She helped me implement strategies that complemented my busy work schedule as a corporate lawyer that didn’t involve hours of meal prep and cooking (just not doable for my lifestyle). The most meaningful part of our work though was exploring the root of my overeating, as well as the tools she gave me to handle those urges to eat when I wasn’t actually physically hungry. I feel like I’ve slowly taken back the power that food once had over me. I will be forever grateful for her support.

-Rachel M.


I’m now maintaining my weight pretty effortlessly...

I now know exactly how to eat for my body. As I approached menopause, the foods I once loved eating no longer loved me back. I started steadily gaining weight and couldn’t lose it with the regular methods that worked in the past – more exercise, watching my portions, cutting carbs, etc. Elaine introduced me to a new way of eating for this phase of life that’s helped me shed unwanted pounds and reduce inflammation. I’m now maintaining my weight pretty effortlessly because I have an eating protocol that works perfectly for me and that I enjoy following. Back when I was struggling to lose weight I felt like I was constantly depriving myself and couldn’t enjoy my food. Elaine showed me how to re-introduce some of my favourites that I hadn’t eaten in years. There’s no lack of pleasure in this way of eating, that’s for sure. However, she also taught me that I shouldn’t be relying on food for my main source of pleasure because that’s not its job! She had so much helpful insight and knowledge to impart that I will hold dear for years to come.

-Nina A.


Having a program tailored to my needs was a game-changer...

I would highly recommend Elaine as a nutritionist and coach. I’ve tried so many different diets and weight loss programs in the past without success. Her approach is vastly different. I no longer feel guilt or shame when I have a slip-up and I’ve actually managed to keep the weight off that I lost. Having a program tailored to my needs was a game-changer, as well as Elaine’s on-going support and encouragement.

-Jennifer T.


She helped me get to the bottom of my most troubling food triggers...

I used to constantly feel anxious around food and whether or not something was “okay” for me to eat. After just a few sessions working with Elaine, I can honestly say I felt so much less stressed about my diet, and life in general (it consumed so much of my energy). She helped me get to the bottom of my most troubling food triggers, and while she helped me realize there are some foods I’m better off without, my diet is actually WAY more liberal than it was before when I was afraid to eat almost everything. I also have so much more energy now that I’m not feeling heavy and bloated all of the time. And although weight loss was never really my concern, I’m not complaining about my flatter midsection!

-Laura C.


I can’t even begin to explain the difference...

I can’t even begin to explain the difference in how I feel after just a few weeks of following your advice. My digestion feels so much more settled and for the first time in what feels like forever I actually had the energy to go to the gym after work instead of going home and crashing on the couch. I’ve also loved your delicious and easy recipe recommendations. Looking forward to our next session!

-Erin L.


Having Elaine as a guide and accountability partner was an invaluable part of my healing process...

I followed Elaine through her website and email newsletters for a few years before I decided to work with her. I only wish I had started working with her sooner as it would have saved me so much time and energy. Because my diet was what I considered to be very healthy I didn’t think there was much of a point. Turns out I was wrong. I had been struggling with digestive symptoms, particularly loose stools and stomach cramping off and on for years. After finally getting an IBS diagnosis with my MD she suggested I work with a nutritionist. That’s when I contacted Elaine.

Even though I already ate a fairly healthy diet, Elaine helped me uncover some foods that I never would have suspected could be triggering my symptoms – especially since many of the foods are considered healthy by most standards. Who knew you could overeat fruit? I learned that was a big trigger for me. Having Elaine as a guide and accountability partner was an invaluable part of my healing process, and while I still have some work to do, particularly when it comes to managing my stress levels, I feel like I’m on the right track now. I can’t recommend Elaine highly enough.

-Denise D.


I finally feel at peace with food.

I just want to say thank you for everything, Elaine. After years of trying every single diet out there, I can honestly say that I finally feel at peace with food. I always knew I had unhealthy eating patterns but still my focus was always on the food itself, or the new diet. I’ve worked with other nutritionists and coaches, but the focus was always on what I was or wasn’t allowed to eat. You really helped me uncover some long-held damaging believes around food. I love that I can freely enjoy so many foods that were once off-limits, and the best part is, I haven’t felt this great in years.

-Colleen N.


I instantly felt comfortable discussing my health with her. She is so warm and easy to talk to.

I contacted Elaine when I was having difficulty with my sleeping and had low energy.  I just felt off and I had the best intentions with being healthy but felt overwhelmed with all the information out there. When I contacted Elaine, I instantly felt comfortable discussing my health with her. She is so warm and easy to talk to. I looked forward to our sessions, and how she truly cared about my progress. During our sessions, she educated me, guided me, and encouraged me to a healthier lifestyle.

I used to come home from work and binge-eat while watching tv. I now have the energy to accomplish so much when I come home and sleep throughout the night. My digestion is better and I feel other areas of my life have improved.

Something I really appreciated is that she tailored a program specific to my needs. I learned what supplements to take, and what I should be eating. I felt the process was extremely helpful, and she coached me all the way through it. Even when I was unsure about something or needed to ask her a question Elaine was right there. She broke down the information for me in an easy to understand manner, and I always knew the reasoning behind her recommendations. For anyone who wants to be healthier but feels overwhelmed by all the information that’s out there, I would highly recommend you work with Elaine. I can’t wait to see the long-term effects of the changes I’ve made!

-Kamal A.


...My digestion improved, bloating decreased and I lost over 25 lbs in 3-4 months!

I ate based on the recommendations you gave me and noticed a few things – my digestion improved, bloating decreased and I lost over 25 lbs in 3-4 months! I exercised along with this but it was obvious that the nutritional direction made a big difference. I also have more energy and feel better about my health.

The fact that you represent what you say is really helpful and encouraging along with your gentle, insightful, clear way of sharing your recommendations.  You made me want to pursue your recommendations, and I did and voila! Also, it’s obvious that you believe in and are passionate about what you are sharing.

The way you recommended that I eat and make food choices – especially under pressure – has made it really easy to make choices in public settings – eating out, being entertained by friends, work meetings – the choices are clear without being stressful, and this is a huge benefit.  Any way to reduce stress is key! Also, the care of my diet is always with me now and that’s a big plus as eating is such a big and important part of life – so what I put in my body is really vital.

-Maggie Millwood


Things are going really well – I feel GREAT and have been cooking every day. I think the biggest thing I’ve found in the last few months is that I am full and happy on less food than before, and very rarely crave (or want to eat) sweets or snacks. Thanks again!

-Katrina Cinelli


I was diagnosed with thyroid disease almost 20 years ago, but its impact on my life became most significant around a year ago. My thyroid was demonstrating no function and I was a total wreck. I could barely get out of bed in the morning, I was always exhausted or feeling sick, I gained weight, and wasn’t feeling up to any of my usual activities like hitting the gym or heading out with friends. I wasn’t myself and medication wasn’t helping.

When my thyroid specialist recommended a gluten-free diet, I understood the basics of what I had to do but wasn’t quite sure where to begin. I wanted to work with a nutritionist, but I was concerned about practicalities. Specifically, I wasn’t convinced that a nutritionist could make recommendations that would work with my lifestyle. I’m busy, I travel internationally for business, I like dining out with friends and trying new restaurants, and I don’t want to shop at a health-food store for all my groceries.

I chose to work with Elaine because of her “real food” approach to nutrition and couldn’t be happier with the results.

Elaine spent our initial sessions educating me on why people develop gluten intolerance, how it related to my thyroid condition and what kinds of foods to avoid. I appreciated that she really took the time to help me understand the underlying issues.  Elaine helped me with groceries, and most importantly, gave me ideas for substituting some of my favourite foods that were now off-limits. We took an approach where we didn’t replace glutinous foods with processed and expensive gluten-free alternatives; we instead identified foods that are naturally gluten-free and can be purchased in any grocery store, found on most restaurant menus and are easy to identify when travelling internationally.

I’ve been following Elaine’s recommendations since October 2011. Elaine has been a great support and her recommendations have fit easily into my life. The greatest validation to her program is that my doctor was able to reduce my dosage of thyroid medication and a number of my hypothyroid symptoms have been eliminated. I’m back at my normal energy levels and doing the things I’ve always enjoyed. I actually lost weight beyond what I had gained, and in general, am feeling great.

If you are considering working with Elaine, you should know that she really ‘gets-it’. She can work with any lifestyle. She took the time to understand and address my concerns up front and worked with me to create an approach that I could stick to.

-Jenn Tulk


Elaine, Thank you!

You’ve helped me change a lot of my habits since the program: I’m more aware of what I eat, I chew my food, I see the importance of calming down and taking time for myself in the week, I’ve started stretching, etc. Some physical things I’ve noticed are that my clothes are looser, I sleep better and my skin is clearer.

I think everyone needs to hear about how every part of our lives affects us and our bodies. The program really showed how wellness must be approached holistically – mind, body and spirit. I loved how the sessions all connected with each other and it was focused on lifestyle and not quick fixes. Both you and the program are very open and approachable – people can find where they fit in and they don’t need to be overwhelmed or afraid. Thanks so much Elaine!

-Rebeka Ly
