Challenge: Track Your food for 7 days

Are you ready to take control of your eating habits?

One of the very first steps I teach my clients is how to track their food intake.

This simple practice can have a profound impact on your health and weight loss journey.

Here’s why:

One—most of us have a short memory when it comes to our food intake.

You might have a tough time recalling what you had for lunch earlier in the day, never mind three days ago.

Two—It’s easy to underestimate how much we eat or overlook certain habits. Tracking our food intake increases awareness and highlights areas for improvement.

It’s not uncommon for clients to tell me, “Oh, I don’t really eat much sugar,” “I only have a couple of glasses of wine a week,” or “I barely eat anything—I’m not sure why my weight won’t budge.”

Often, they’re surprised when their food journal reflects a different story entirely. It’s not because they were being purposely deceptive; rather, see number one above!

Also, when tracking everything, we’re less likely to grab extra handfuls or eat something just because it’s sitting in front of us. Every bite is being tracked, so it all counts!

It also helps identify areas where we struggle the most, like late afternoons or evenings, so we can plan better.

Three—it can help us get out of black-and-white thinking and move to a more neutral place with food.

Most people only want to track their food when eating “perfectly.” They don’t want to track the extra handfuls, bites, or random “binges” on a weekday night when they finish work for the day or are seeking comfort in the evening.

This honest inventory allows us to make meaningful changes to our eating habits without having to be “perfect.”

Essentially, we’re cutting through the drama and getting straight to the facts of our consumption without attaching false meaning to it.

Now, let me clarify a few things:

Who is this challenge for? Anyone who resonates with the points above.

What do I mean by tracking? Keep a short-form record of what you’re eating. You can do this in a notebook or the note app on your phone. Just track the food (no calories or macros) along with an estimated amount. The simpler you keep it, the more likely you’ll do it. If you have a food tracking app and you prefer that method, go ahead and do that with one caveat. Do not wait until the end of the day to track everything. Capture it via one of the methods mentioned above in real-time so you can track it later accurately.

When does the challenge start? Start tracking your food for seven days, starting today, tomorrow, or any day of your choosing. But don’t wait for the “perfect moment” to get started. We want to move away from black-and-white thinking, so I strongly encourage you to start today, regardless of what you’ve already eaten or what you have planned for later.

Remember: This challenge is for you. You’re accountable to yourself and only you. If you’re not going to be honest about your tracking, there’s no point in doing it.

Lastly, don’t let perfection stand in your way. If you miss a meal or even an entire day, get back to tracking as soon as possible.

So, are you up for the challenge?


P.S. Want to be supported further on your health or weight loss journey? Whether you want to lose weight, dial in your eating habits, or feel more in control around food, my 1-to-1 coaching program offers high-level and individualized support in helping you reach your goals.

Apply here to get started, and we’ll ensure it’s the right fit.

Read the full program details here.

Elaine Brisebois, Nutritionist_Blog_Sidebar-01

Hi! I’m Elaine, a Certified Nutritionist and Master Certified Health Coach. I support women in achieving their health and body goals while prioritizing a peaceful and balanced relationship with food.

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The Elegant Eating Handbook: Timeless Strategies for Lasting Weight Loss and a Peaceful Relationship with Food.

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